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GrowAbility Blog: 10th April 2024


A surprise visitor (and a few more who were not so welcome !)

We were so lucky with the weather today, Amanda, Barry, Joel, Matt & Willow all got to work after a welcome cuppa (thank you Lisa!). There was some lettuce and tomato plants to transplant into bigger pots, Pamela worked with Matt on this and they look bigger already in their new homes.

Willow and Amanda went to the raised bed with Julie and planted out some lovely spinach seedlings before returning to the summerhouse and planting lots of herb and tomato seeds for selling on our Mencap stall in May. Marion, Barry and Joel did some sorting and watering in our greenhouse which is full of healthy seedlings - we grow everything from seed at GrowAbility.

We had a surprise visitor today when Patrick Draper our Chair, and leader of Saffron Walden Mencap Society, came to visit and he was so impressed to see how much work has been done since he was last with us.Some not so welcome visitors were a few slugs and snails we found hiding under pots in the greenhouse and a beautiful cabbage white butterfly was fabulously camouflaged on a sweetcorn seedling. Jacquie took the sweetcorn around to show everyone how well it was growing and no one saw the butterfly at first - it looked like a leaf! Can you see it on the photo? It took a while to persuade it to fly off - thankfully away from our plot! After a break there was more weeding to do, some work on the beds, and planning. Steve did some digging and repairing and even some sweeping up at the end!

There is something for everyone at GrowAbility - no gardening experience is needed, you get to choose what to do and there is lots we all learn together. We would love to welcome a few new members - it is such a happy friendly group!

We hope you like our photos!

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