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Dig-It Club - Wednesday 16th March 2022


It was touch and go on Tuesday with rain forecast for our 'Dig-It' Wednesday, but we decided to go for it and were really lucky!

Bolette had lots of jobs for us today - we were a smaller team as our lovely Mencap leader Steve and ‘green fingers Amanda’ are away for a few weeks while Steve recovers from his operation and Laura was off too. We had our Hub team though - Alex, Karl and Scott came with Maggie on Andy’s bus.

The first thing to do was to improve one of our beds by covering it with ‘Strulch’. Bolette showed us how to break it up with our hands and spread it all over the bed - you can see from the before and after photos how great it looks!

Karl found a potato in the ground which had shoots so he carefully planted it again…

We did lots of weeding - look at Alex using the fork!

Karl was very good at using the secateurs to prune some plants that needed a tidy - and he surprised us all with a really good technique for thinning out the parsley - which Scott helped him to replant in a different bed.

After a nice lunch and a few hot drinks there was just time for a bit of planting and harvesting. Scott helped Jacquie to pick lettuce for The Hub and he also took some cress that the team had planted with Steve - perfect for sandwiches! Here’s Scott showing the lovely things we picked.

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