On Friday 22nd April, Saffron Walden Mencap Society were thrilled to launch their new Go With Our Flow project, for young people aged 16-25 with a disability. A party was held at Fairycroft House, Saffron Walden, to celebrate the occasion.
The eagerly awaited project was originally scheduled for 2020, but was delayed by the impact of Covid 19. Go With Our Flow will operate on Friday evenings, with most young people able to enjoy two sessions a month, one being a group get together at Fairycroft House.
The main aim of the project is to give these inspirational young people choice. They will be able to choose where they want to go, which Go with Our Flow Members they want to go with, and which adults (know as Companions), they want to accompany them.
Saffron Walden Mencap Society Chair, Patrick Draper said, "I am delighted that our newest project has finally begun. Go With Our Flow is an innovative project for young adults, with learning disabilities, who can engage in a range of social activities. We are all grateful to Cath Read and Dianne King for their passionate commitment to our project. It is an exciting time for Saffron Walden Mencap Society. Looking forward to Go With Our Flow developing and growing."
Project Leaders, Dianne and Cath, would like to thank all those who have supported them with the launch of Go With Our Flow. Special thanks to Claire Webber at Market Graphics, Saffron Walden Golf Club, Tesco and Waitrose Saffron Walden, Saffron Walden Round Table, Eileen Gladman and Sarah Christou.
If you would like to express an interest in Go With Our Flow, please contact Cath Read on 07811 252917 or email gowithourflow@gmail.com