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Dig-It Blog: Wednesday 26th October 2022


Today we welcomed the lovely Willow back to the plot - with Amanda they are our longest serving Dig-It volunteers!

We were joined by Justin, Matthew, Gwenda and Laura on what promised to be quite a nice day, definitely no rain (or so we thought!). The first thing we noticed was that there was a lot of damage in the recent storm. Our wonderful permanent bean structure built by Steve was gone, the poly tunnel was torn in many places, and the lovely cosmos we’d waited so long to flower was looking pretty sad. We talked about how gardening is all about working in nature, and learning about how we can fix things again.

Bolette had lots of jobs for everyone today, and before we knew it there was much weeding, transplanting, and building going on - with Marion and Gwenda doing a great job weeding the sprouting broccoli and Matthew weeding a large section of a weedy bed. Steve is doing a fabulous job building the new decking to make the area so much easier and safer to move around. Wendy, Amanda and Willow did some work on the raised bed, Wendy saving some ‘mystery seedlings’ which we hope will be snapdragons and cornflowers.

We have a new group joining us on Wednesdays for a while, from Café Cornell, so once they arrived Tilly, Ryan, William and Jessica got to work transplanting herbs into a new herb garden. The heavens opened though and light rain soon became heavier and we all rushed to the summerhouse. Amanda and Wendy had to hide under a big brolly on the decking!

We had a game of ‘guess the fruit/vegetable’ from a selection of leaves, and everyone came up with great suggestions, every one being guessed correctly, even chicory! We also looked at a fabulous planting idea Bolette did with the CC gang a few weeks ago - peas in guttering - it was lovely to see the healthy young pea plants poking through already!

Julie had brought along two lovely big pumpkins - and she had a real hive of activity going on at the table with Wendy - scooping and carving, with Matthew saving the pumpkin seeds to dry and plant next year.

It is so wonderful to have our lovely spacious summerhouse, we talked about rainy day or bad weather ideas and there were lots of things we can do in there when the weather chases us inside.

We all missed Claire C and Alex this week -we hope to see them soon and we hope you like our photos!

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